"Orange Studio" | Construction companies
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"Orange Studio"

"Orange Studio" Construction company

“Orange Studio” is one of the modern companies in the field of architecture, which has been operating in 2017 for a short time. The main goal of our team is to achieve effective results by creating unique projects in a modern style using different styles. Based on our experience, we can say that architecture is the key to the modern world and we believe it has a great role to play in conveying different cultures to people.


Architecture and Design

Architecture and Design

Interior and exterior design of the property.

Construction and Repair

Construction and Repair

Organization of construction and repair of property.

Smart home system

Smart home system

Building a smart home system.



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"Xiaomi" property repair

Category Object

Start year 1 September 2020

End year 31 October 2020

Room 2

Area 100.00 m²

"East style" repair

Category New Building

Start year 1 October 2020

End year 30 November 2020

Room 3

Area 90.00 m²